Breakfast Club | Emrah Tolu (Pexels)
Breakfast Club | Emrah Tolu (Pexels)
Crossroads East Side
4450 Eastgate S Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45245
Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 7:30 AM
Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 10:00 AM
Time Zone:
Eastern Time
Join us for a morning of informative and thought-provoking insight at the 2023 Economic Forecast Breakfast!
Connor Lokar, Senior Forecaster at ITR Economics, will focus on the economic landscape in 2023 and how attendees can best prepare for the challenges and ongoing uncertainties. Connor will present business strategies and tactics that address the projected changes in the economy and in the markets key to participants. Connor will also:
- Discuss inflation and the Federal Reserve Board's impact on the economy.
- Discuss varying opportunities in key markets.
- The global impact on the US and North America.
- Analyze the labor market conditions over the next several years.
- Discuss lingering supply chain issues and ongoing pricing concerns.
- Look at ITR's key leading indicators and what they foretell for your markets.
- Present actions that will help attendees prepare for the varying levels of inflation anticipated through the rest of the decade
- Present relevant market outlooks and discuss issues that impact your profitability via resource
allocation, budgets, expectations, and strategic planning.
- Determine the potential impact of a shift in government from the midterm elections as well as the
potential consequences of massive government programs.